Cahier 2015-26

Title:Vers un cadre d’analyse institutionnaliste de la politique de filière : Quelle cohérence pour la politique de filière française ?
Abstract:This paper aims to investigate new theoretical approaches for explaining the concept of French filiere. By using the institutional meso-economics policy point of view (Jullien, 2011), we highlight a gap between the latest French policies for structuring industries into filieres and the objective pursued by such policies. Our demonstration is organized as follow. First, using the institutional meso-economics view, we’ll provide a theoretical definition of the filiere as a particular set of industries technologically closes, sought by the politics. Second, we introduce the instruments used by public authorities within the definition of filiere policies (like the CNI and the “34 plans de la Nouvelle France”). Finally, we show some shortcomings of such policies, both at practical and conceptual order.
Keyword(s):industrial policy, filiere, meso-economics, institutions, innovation policy
Auteur(s) :Guillaume ASSOGBA, Samuel KLEBANER
JEL Class.:B52, L16, L52

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