Cahier 2017-13

Title:Management and business model at stake: the crisis of Société Générale bank in 1913
Abstract:Beyond the facts themselves, which resulted in a grave crisis of the second French bank in 1913 and who told the implementation of the solidarity of place, it is necessary to explain how the strategic and managerial conduct of what had become a banking firm suffered from excessive risk-takings, and from maybe random methods of management. In any case, the capacities of anticipations seem to have been deficient. Thus this essay mobilizes analyses fed with the reflections of economists of management and applies them to business history and to banking history, to try to determine if current theoretical approaches could, without too much anachronism, allow a finer understanding of this event.
Keyword(s):Bank ; management history ; risks management ; business history ; managerial culture
Auteur(s) :Hubert BONIN
JEL Class.:D22; D81; G 21; L 25, N 83; N 24

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