Cahier 2018-13Title: | Bankers drawing lessons from history: lucidity or blindness? | Abstract: | Lessons from economic history are ever difficult to seize on because the motto "this time is different" and so many managerial fads foster a lack of lucidity. Anyway business and banking historians stick to their struggle to convince managers and bankers to read into academic books or journals, and to pick up levers to gauge cyclical trends, evolutions of balance sheet, pending risks, etc. This article delves into the history of banking crisis to fuel arguments about the challenges to be faced against herding bad practices as behavourial finance gathered Momentum since the 2007-2009 crisis. | Keyword(s): | banks, crisis, risks, credit, issues of balance-sheets solidity | Auteur(s) : | Hubert Bonin | JEL Class.: | G01, G02, G21, N21, N80 | Télécharger le cahier Retour à la liste des Cahier du GRETHA (2018) |