Cahier 2018-25

Title:Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History”
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to show the possible connections between some legal history research methodologies and the research agenda of the Régulation Theory. As the last is a heterodox theory of institutions, cross-fertilizations with other fields of research open new research perspectives. In this respect, the methodology of the legal history research from the Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History developed several methodological concepts like multinormativity, governance, science of regulation or law as communication. Such constructivist framework allows analyzing in vivo the norm-making and their incorporation into actors and social structures. In a context of trans-national regulation and growing autonomy of sectoral regulations, such in vivo analysis of the norm making can explain the genesis, transformation and destabilization of macro-economic institutions, which is the core interest of the Régulation Theory.
Keyword(s):law and economics; legal history; normativity; régulation; institutions
Auteur(s) :Samuel Klebaner
JEL Class.:B52; K10

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