Cahier 2019-02Title: | The year 1819 epitomizing the issues and challenges of modernity after the Revolution and Empire | Abstract: | After the recess imposed by the intensification of Napoleonic wars and defeat in 1810-1815, the Restauration regime had to restart the leverage forces of growth. Economic and academic elites struggled to conceive the paths of renewal of innovative and entrepreneurial spirits, in order to foster French competitiveness. The philosophy of liberalism was renewed; calls for innovation, for spreading new techniques across industry, and to stimulate refreshed flows of savings and banking loans constituted a package able to renew with the hopes of the 1795-1810 years. Thus the 1819 year could be inserted into intercrossing schemes of narrative and business histories as it gathered so many signs of such a renewal and of the move towards the first industriel and banking revolutions. | Keyword(s): | First industrial revolution, Merchant banking, economic take-off, liberalism, philanthropy, entrepreneurialism, innovation | Auteur(s) : | Hubert Bonin | JEL Class.: | N13, N23, N33, N53, N63 | Télécharger le cahier Retour à la liste des Cahier du GRETHA (2019) |