Cahier 2018-02

Title:Explaining the structure of collaboration networks: from firm-level strategies to global network structure
Abstract:The aim of this paper is to show how firm-level partner selection strategies impact the structure a of collaboration network. The analysis is performed in three stages. A first stage identifies how partners select their collaborators, a second stage shows how these decisions result in clusters, and a final stage studies the global network structure that emerges from the interconnection of these clusters. In order to highlight the importance of the sectors’ influence, the analysis is performed on the French Aerospace and the French Biotech collaboration networks. Results show that the firm-level strategies are the same in both sectors while the resulting global network structure is different (core-periphery structure with small-world characteristics for the aerospace network and no particular structure for the biotech sector). The difference in the global network structure can be explained by sectorial characteristics. These differences define the manner in which knowledge flows through the network.
Keyword(s):SNA; Sectoral analysis; Collaboration network; Biotechnology; Aerospace; ERGM; Innovation
Auteur(s) :Johannes van der Pol
JEL Class.:L25 ; C23 ; D85 ; L14 ; C20

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