2014-24 | The persistent heterogeneity of trade patterns: A comparison of four European Automotive Global Production Networks, Vincent FRIGANT, Martin ZUMPE |
2014-23 | What is so specific with Middle-East and North-African pattern of growth and structural change? A quantitative comparative analysis, Dalila NICET-CHENAF, Eric ROUGIER |
2014-22 | Fire in Cairo: Authoritarian-redistributive social contracts, structural change and the Arab spring, Eric ROUGIER |
2014-21 | Coopération sud-sud et financement du développement : la relation Chine-Amérique du sud face aux enjeux du développement soutenable, Eric BERR, Jean-François PONSOT |
2014-20 | Moderate Prosperity, an adaptation of the Middle Class concept to a Malagasy rural area: the case of Itasy, Tsiry ANDRIANAMPIARIVO |
2014-19 | Justice écologique et adaptation au changement climatique : le cas des petits territoires insulaires, Alexandre BERTHE, Sylvie FERRARI |
2014-18 | Les conséquences environnementales des inégalités économiques : structuration théorique et perspectives de recherche, Alexandre BERTHE, Luc ELIE |
2014-17 | Analysing the Effects of Crop Shocks on Child Work: the Case of the Morondava District in Madagascar, Augendra BHUKUTH, Jérôme BALLET, Bako Nirina RABEVOHITRA, Patrick RASOLOFO |
2014-16 | Patents, Innovation and Economic Geography, Francesco LISSONI, Ernest MIGUELEZ |
2014-15 | The economics of research, consulting, and teaching quality: Theory and evidence from a technical university, Stefano BIANCHINI, Francesco LISSONI, Michele PEZZONI, Lorenzo ZIRULIA |
2014-14 | Dominance relations and ranking when quantity and quality both matter: Applications to US universities and econ. departments worldwide, Nicolas CARAYOL, Agenor LAHATTE |
2014-13 | Unintended triadic closure in social networks: The strategic formation of research collaborations between French inventors, Nicolas CARAYOL, Lorenzo CASSI, Pascale ROUX |
2014-12 | Inventor diasporas and the internationalization of technology, Ernest MIGUELEZ |
2014-11 | Spreading Big Ideas? The effect of Top Inventing Companies on Local Inventors, Carlo MENON |
2014-10 | De la mise à contribution des bénéficiaires au financement de la préservation des espaces naturels : tarification de l’accès ou augmentation de taxe?, Asma BEN OTHMEN |
2014-09 | Are automotive Global Production Networks becoming more global? Comparison of regional and global integration processes based on auto parts trade data, Vincent FRIGANT, Martin ZUMPE |
2014-08 | La politique commerciale de la France et les filières sucrières de ses vieilles colonies sous le Second Empire, Stéphane BECUWE, Bertrand BLANCHETON |
2014-07 | Relations internationales et discriminations tarifaires : le cas de la France (1850-1913), Stéphane BECUWE, Bertrand BLANCHETON |
2014-06 | Learning the Ramsey outcome in a Kydland & Prescott economy, Jasmina ARIFOVIC, Murat YILDIZOGLU |
2014-05 | Allocating value among farsighted players in network formation, Nicolas CARAYOL, Remi DELILLE, Vincent VANNETELBOSCH |
2014-04 | Extended Producer Responsibility and Green Marketing: an Application to Packaging, Brice ARNAUD |
2014-03 | Les improvisations financières de la guerre de 1914-1918 en France. Les enjeux de la liquidité., Bertrand BLANCHETON |
2014-02 | La restructuration de la géographie de l’industrie automobile en Europe durant les années 2000, Vincent FRIGANT, Stéphane MIOLLAN |
2014-01 | Le Mont-de-Piété à Bordeaux, les raisons d’un succès (1802-1913), Bertrand BLANCHETON, Guillaume PASTUREAU |