2011-39 | One Theory For Two Risk Premia, Emmanuelle GABILLON (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-38 | A bio-economic model for the ecosystem-based management of the coastal fishery in French Guiana, Abdoul CISSE (IFREMER-Guyane et CEREGMIA, UAG), Sophie GOURGUET (IFREMER, UMR AMURE et CNRS-CERSP-MNHN), Luc DOYEN (CNRS-CERSP-MNHN), Fabian BLANCHARD (IFREMER-Guyane), Jean-Christophe PEREAU (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113, Université de Bordeaux) |
2011-37 | Crises et transformation des modèles de gouvernance d’entreprise en Asie, Ji-Yong LEE (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113 & ESC Bretagne Brest) |
2011-36 | Ethically Robust Comparisons of Bidimensional Distributions with an Ordinal Attribute, Patrick MOYES (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Nicolas GRAVEL (Aix-Marseille University and AMSE (GREQAM)) |
2011-35 | Rearrangements and Sequential Rank Order Dominance. A Result with Economic Applications, Patrick MOYES (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-34 | Three uncertainties looming over the European auto industry, Vincent FRIGANT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-33 | EU Competition Policy Revisited: Economic Doctrines Within European Political Work, Matthieu MONTALBAN (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Sigfrido RAMIREZ-PEREZ (Università Bocconi), Andy SMITH (Centre Emile Durkheim - IEP-Bordeaux) |
2011-32 | En quête des étapes de renouveau de l’esprit d’entreprise français dans les années 1950-2000, Hubert BONIN (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113 - IEP BORDEAUX) |
2011-31 | Durability of consumption goods and market competition: an agent-based modelling, Eric BROUILLAT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-30 | Utilitarianism or Welfarism: Does it Make a Difference?, Patrick MOYES ( GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Nicolas GRAVEL (AMSE (GREQAM) et Aix-Marseille University) |
2011-28 | Transferts des migrants et croissance économique : quels canaux de transmission ?, Sami Ben Mim (ERUDITE), Fatma Mabrouk (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-27 | Egyptian pyramid or Aztec pyramid: How should we describe the industrial architecture of automotive supply chains in Europe?, Vincent FRIGANT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-26 | An analysis of income polarization in rural and urban China, Céline BONNEFOND (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113), Matthieu CLEMENT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113) |
2011-25 | Anticipated regret and self-esteem in the Allais paradox, Emmanuel PETIT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Anna TCHERKASSOF (LIP/PC2S), Xavier GASSMANN (INRA) |
2011-24 | Politique commerciale et croissance entre 1850 et 1913, Synthèse critique des contributions, Stéphane BECUWE (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Bertrand BLANCHETON (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-23 | Comparisons of Heterogeneous Distributions and Dominance Criteria, Patrick MOYES (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113 et IDEP Marseille) |
2011-22 | Dominance relations when both quantity and quality matter, and applications to the
comparison of US research universities and worldwide top departments in economics, Nicolas CARAYOL (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113), Agenor LAHATTE (OST) |
2011-21 | La dispersion des tarifs douaniers selon la provenance des produits (1850-1913) : illustration à travers le cas de la France, Stéphane BECUWE (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Bertrand BLANCHETON (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-20 | French mega-suppliers’ trajectories during the modular era: some evidences on Faurecia, Valeo and Plastic Omnium, Vincent FRIGANT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113) |
2011-19 | Solving the Hotelling Model in Feedback Form, Sébastien ROUILLON (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113) |
2011-18 | Analyse de décomposition structurelle des émissions de gaz à effet de serre : application à la région Aquitaine, Jean-Christophe MARTIN (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113), Stéphane BECUWE (GREThA, CNRS, UMR5113) |
2011-17 | Determinants and Specificities of Eco-innovations – An Econometric Analysis for the French and German Industry based on the Community Innovation Survey, Jean BELIN (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Jens HORBACH (University of Applied Sciences Augsburg), Vanessa OLTRA (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-16 | Le tourisme ferroviaire en France, une mise en perspective historique de 1870 à nos jours, Bertrand BLANCHETON (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Jean-Jacques MARCHI (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-15 | A Theory of Regret and Information, Emmanuelle Gabillon |
2011-14 | Dynamic efficiency of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) instruments in a simulation model of industrial dynamics, Eric BROUILLAT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Vanessa OLTRA (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-13 | La métropolisation 15 ans après, Lise BOURDEAU-LEPAGE ( ADIS, Université Paris Sud 11), Frédéric GASCHET (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Claude LACOUR (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Sylvette PUISSANT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-12 | Overcoming grape growers’ pesticide lock-in, Adeline UGAGLIA (USC 2032 GAIA - INRA SAD/ENITAB), Bernard DEL’HOMME (USC 2032 GAIA - INRA SAD/ENITAB), Maryline FILIPPI (USC 2032 GAIA - INRA SAD/ENITAB) |
2011-11 | Learning the optimal buffer-stock consumption rule of Carroll, Murat YILDIZOGLU (GREQAM, CNRS, UMR 6579), Marc-Alexandre SENEGAS (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Isabelle SALLE (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Martin ZUMPE (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-10 | Motivations et déterminants de l’innovation technologique : Un survol des théories modernes, Mohieddine Rahmouni (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Murat Yildizoglu (GREQAM, CNRS, UMR 6579) |
2011-09 | Remittances and household expenditure patterns in Tajikistan: A propensity score matching analysis, Matthieu CLEMENT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-08 | Elitism and Stochastic Dominance, Stephen BAZEN (GREQAM, CNRS, UMR 6579), Patrick MOYES (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-07 | L’impact de la littoralisation sur les valeurs foncières et immobilières: une lecture différenciée des marchés agricoles et résidentiels, Jeanne DACHARY-BERNARD (UR ADBX, CEMAGREF), Sandrine LYSER (UR ADBX, CEMAGREF), Frédéric GASCHET (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Guillaume POUYANNE (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Stéphane VIROL (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-06 | Institutions, organisations et espace : les formes de la proximité, Damien TALBOT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-05 | Construction of linkage indicators of greenhouse gas emissions for Aquitaine region, Jean-Christophe MARTIN (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Patrick POINT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-04 | Pouvoir et domination dans les politiques de développement, Eric BERR (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-03 | Economic impacts of development of road transport for Aquitaine region for the period 2007-2013 subject to a climate plan, Jean-Christophe MARTIN (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113), Patrick POINT (GREThA, CNRS, UMR 5113) |
2011-02 | How to negotiate with Coase?, Jean-Christophe PEREAU (GREThA, UMR CNRS 5113), Sébastien ROUILLON (GREThA, UMR CNRS 5113) |
2011-01 | The triple bottom line: Meeting ecological, economic and social goals with Individual Transferable Quotas, Jean-Christophe PEREAU (GREThA, UMR CNRS 5113), Luc DOYEN (CNRS-MNHN, CNRS, UMR 7204), Rich LITTLE (CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research), Olivier THEBAUD (CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research) |